
Family Supports

Inclusion NB offers personalized support and assistance to New Brunswick families who are caring for a child, youth, or adult with an intellectual or developmental disability. We help families, at all stages, navigate complex government and community agency systems, helping everyone have equal opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of life.

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Family Support Program
Taking the Journey
Making Decisions: Family and Caregiver Guide
Social Inclusion


Our organization has been a key driver in building a globally recognized inclusive education system in the province. Through advocacy and support to parents, educator and administrator training, on-site consultation, and classroom presentations, we work to ensure children with an intellectual or developmental disability are included in educational and social opportunities in their neighbourhood school.

Resource Title View or Download Resource
Creating an Inclusive School
Bill 35 and Inclusive Education
Achieving Inclusion
Building Bridges: A Parent Guide on Transition from School to Work, Adult Life, and Community Participation for Youth with Disabilities
Moving On: A guide to supporting transitions into and within the kindergarten to Grade 12 system of education in NB
Transition into Early Learning and Childcare
Transition from Early Learning to Public School

An Inclusive Adult Life

From learning life skills and creating key connections for a meaningful life in community, to providing training to become workforce ready, or successfully complete post-secondary education, Inclusion NB is there at every step of the way as graduates enter young adulthood.

Inclusion NB provides adults with the support they want and need to live a fulfilling life, in their chosen community. We support adults with an intellectual or developmental disability to find and maintain safe, suitable housing, connect them to recreation and groups in their community, and help them access the province’s Disability Support Program and other resources to address their needs.

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Transition to Work
Post-Secondary Education Opportunities
Employment Assistance Services (Bathurst)
Employment Assistance Services (Miramichi)
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
Getting Connected: A Newcomer’s Guide to NB Disability Resources and Services
Reform of Adult Decision-Making Laws in New Brunswick
Fact Sheet on Disability Support
Fact Sheet on Income Support

Life in Community

Inclusion NB is guided by the belief that strong communities are formed when everyone has the opportunity to participate and contribute. We support people with an intellectual or developmental disability to be and feel like part of their communities. We focus on connecting people with accessible and affordable housing, community partners and services, and recreational activities based on their interests and goals to create a natural network of support around them.

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Social Inclusion
Independent Facilitation
Housing brief
Income Security

Mental Health

Within the past decade there have been many changes in the health care field regarding individuals living with a dual diagnosis of mental health and intellectual or developmental disability. Specialized caregivers and support workers provide services, for the most part. However, there may be times when family members and volunteers step in to provide support and guidance to an individual who has an intellectual or developmental disability and a mental health concern.

Not Just Talk: Tools for Supporting Youth and Adults who have an Intellectual or Developmental Disability and a Mental Health issue

Resource Title Website Link
Not Just Talk

Professional Development

ICI logo

Whether you’re changing careers or looking to develop the working knowledge you already have, we’re here to provide the learning opportunities you need.

ICI offers in-depth and innovative courses, designed for educators, health care providers, employers, and other community members. ICI focuses on person-centered disability support and inclusion, to increase awareness, knowledge, and build capacity for inclusion in our province.

Resource Title Website Link
Inclusive Communities Institute: Online Training

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